Seminar: Women in the Lead!
Women have great natural leadership skills, styles, approaches and abilities. However many habits learned in childhood limit the full potential of women as leaders and affect how they are viewed by others. It may even stop some from taking leadership positions when offered. During this seminar participants will discover their preferred styles, and discuss how and when to use them. Using exercises from a newly published workbook Understanding Gender at Work: A Workbook for Career Planning participants will explore how to develop their leadership strengths to become effective and inclusive leaders.
This seminar will be conducted by Delee Fromm, an author, psychologist and lawyer. Her books include Advance Your Legal Career published by LexisNexis, Understanding Gender at Work and a workbook on career planning coauthored with Rocca Morra Hodge (a director at Rotman) that will be used in this seminar.
WHEN: October 17th 2018 at 6:00pm
WHERE: Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, 333 Bay St, Suite 2400
*CPD Approval Pending

DELEE FROMM has taught and coached for 30 years. As a former partner at a large Bay Street law firm, she practised commercial real estate for 17 years. In her third career as a consultant, she provides services to law firms, corporations, banks, and governments. A large component of her business involves women`s advancement programming.
She is a guest lecturer at Ryerson University, University of Western Ontario, Rotman School of Management and the University of Toronto. She is the author of Advance Your Legal Career: Essential Skills for Success published by LexisNexis Canada. Her next book Understanding Gender at Work: How to Use, Lose and Expose Blind Spots for Career Success will be available in November, 2017.
For more information, please go to her website at and her profile on LinkedIn